Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Enter Sandman

Top Left Magazine IS a golf magazine, but that by no means defines us. While this might mean we have content about beer, wine, travel, and nightlife, we also might talk about sports other than golf. Especially if they take place in the Northwest.

Which brings us to sandboarding. In our January issue, Oregon's coastal city of Florence is featured. Florence is a great, little town with a couple of great golf courses, but they are also known for their sand dunes. And with these sand dunes comes the sport of sandboarding. Sand Master Park is a sandboarding park in Lane County, Oregon. It offers all sorts of sandboarding activities worth checking out. First-timers and sandboarding veterans are both welcome, so if anybody out there is looking for a new and exciting activity, this might be your place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how bad ass is this? has anyone done it? This is the first winter were i'm waiting for the snow to melt